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Don Purdy - Meet a Veteran

Meet a Veteran – Don Purdy

Meet a Veteran - Don Purdy

Don Purdy - Meet a VeteranDon is a longtime member of the Royal Canadian Legion, first joining in 1973 while stationed in Winnipeg Manitoba. He was a member of the Army Reserves in 1970 while in High School in Hamilton Ontario.

He joined the Regular Force in 1972 after High School Graduation as a Mobile Support Equipment Operator (MSE Op). During his time serving he had postings CFB Winnipeg Manitoba, UNEFII Ismailia Egypt, 4 Service Battalion S&T Company Lahr Germany, CFB Detachment Vancouver & 12 Service Battalion, 4 Service Battalion S&T Company Lahr Germany and CFB Chilliwack. He retired in 1993.

He comes from a Service Family. His Grandfather was in WW1 with the Canadian Overseas Expeditionary Force and he fought in the Battle for Vimy Ridge. His Dad was with the West Nova Scotia Highlanders in WW2 and was part of the forces that landed in Normandy. His Dad was wounded in action while fighting in Belgium.

Don was a member of the Legion in Winnipeg, Lahr Germany and Vancouver. Don rejoined RCL Branch 88 in 2018. He also joined the Colour Party and Honour Guard. He was appointed Sergeant at Arms of the Maple Ridge Legion in 2023.

Don Officially Retired as a Professional Driver in 2022 after 52 yeas. Now that he is Retired, he likes to Read, Travel, Hike and Swim.

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"Reconciliation", the Canadian Peacekeeping Monument on Sussex Drive in Ottawa, seen from the northeast.

Veterans Dinner September 18th 2024

Veterans Dinner September 18th 2024

On 18th September 2024, Branch 88 will be hosting our annual dinner to honour Veterans. If you are a veteran of the CAF,  of a Commonwealth country military or RCMP living in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows you are welcome, you do not have to be a member of the Royal Canadian Legion, all are welcome.

More details will follow.

Forces Dinner
Forces Dinner. Photo by Skies Magazine Joanne Calder

Veterans Dinner September 18th 2024

RCL-Branch-88-logoOn 18th September 2024, Branch 88 will be hosting our annual dinner to honour Veterans. If you are a veteran of the CAF,  of a Commonwealth country military or RCMP living in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows you are welcome, you do not have to be a member of the Royal Canadian Legion, all are welcome.

More details will follow.

Forces Dinner
Forces Dinner. Photo by Buzz Bourdon (late the RMR 1975-82)
Open post

Outstanding Support

Outstanding Support!

Dan Lyvier, Ray Lyver and Ted Swuair who is in the picture came to the Legion to present this plaque in recognition of our outstanding support of the Military Police National Motorcycle Relay and the Military Police Fund for Blind Children in 2024. We're proud to be recognized and even more proud to support this fund raising event.

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Members of 354 RCSCC Invincible

354 RCSCC Invincible – 15th Annual Ceremonial Review

354 RCSCC Invincible - 15th Annual Ceremonial Review

INVINCIBLE logoOn Saturday June 4th members of the RCL Branch 88 had the pleasure of attending the 15th Ceremonial Review of the 354 RCSCC Invincible Sea Cadets. Following the General Salute, the Inspection of the Guard and Ships Company, there was a March Past complete with band. 

Following this there were static displays showing Hovercraft, RC Boats and Communication/Radio Technology and the Drill and Band display. All were very impressive, especially the band keeping in time and their drill in order.

After this, there was the Awards Presentation, please see photos below for all the details.  

354 RCSCC Invincible - 15th Annual Ceremonial Review

INVINCIBLE logoOn Saturday June 4th members of the RCL Branch 88 had the pleasure of attending the 15th Ceremonial Review of the 354 RCSCC Invincible Sea Cadets. Following the General Salute, the Inspection of the Guard and Ships Company, there was a March Past complete with band. 

Following this there were static displays showing Hovercraft, RC Boats and Communication/Radio Technology and the Drill and Band display. All were very impressive, especially the band keeping in time and their drill in order.

After this, there was the Awards Presentation, please see photos below for all the details.  

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Service Dog

Service Dogs for Veterans

Service Dogs for Veterans

Service Dog
A pair of prospective mental health service dogs pause for a break during a training event. PHOTOGRAPHY: JOSÉE LAVOIE

Guide dogs have been helping humans for hundreds of years, but in recent years the use of dogs to help reduce symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other Operational Stress Injuries (OSIs) such as anxiety and depression has been on the rise. VAC in their report acknowledged that ‘service dogs provided a reduction of PTSD symptoms, a moderate long-lasting reduction of depressive symptoms and a significant increase in the subjective feeling of well-being related to overall quality of life.’ 

Our branch of the Legion has had experience of this, one of our own vets has a service dog that has changed his life for the better. The training of this dog was funded in part by our Legion. This is something that we would love to become a regular part of our donations and actively reach out to help our local Veterans who suffer with PTSD and OSIs.

However, although the use of service dogs for veterans has been a topic with Veteran’s Affairs Canada (VAC) for many years, in 2022 the government response to the VAC sixth report on the subject ‘Incorporating Service Dogs into the Rehabilitation Program of Veterans Affairs Canada’ was a refusal for this therapy to be regulated or covered by them. 

This is why Legion 88 is wanting to get involved to help our Veterans in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows.

See the full story from the Legion Magazine.

Service Dogs for Veterans

Service Dog
A pair of prospective mental health service dogs pause for a break during a training event. PHOTOGRAPHY: JOSÉE LAVOIE

Guide dogs have been helping humans for hundreds of years, but in recent years the use of dogs to help reduce symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other Operational Stress Injuries (OSIs) such as anxiety and depression has been on the rise. VAC in their report acknowledged that ‘service dogs provided a reduction of PTSD symptoms, a moderate long-lasting reduction of depressive symptoms and a significant increase in the subjective feeling of well-being related to overall quality of life.’ 

Our branch of the Legion has had experience of this, one of our own vets has a service dog that has changed his life for the better. The training of this dog was funded in part by our Legion. This is something that we would love to become a regular part of our donations and actively reach out to help our local Veterans who suffer with PTSD and OSIs.

However, although the use of service dogs for veterans has been a topic with Veteran’s Affairs Canada (VAC) for many years, in 2022 the government response to the VAC sixth report on the subject ‘Incorporating Service Dogs into the Rehabilitation Program of Veterans Affairs Canada’ was a refusal for this therapy to be regulated or covered by them. 

This is why Legion 88 is wanting to get involved to help our Veterans in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows.

See the full story from the Legion Magazine.

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Maple Ridge Legion Colour Party - Remembrance Day 2023

Colour Party Volunteers

Colour Party Volunteers

Maple Ridge Legion Colour Party - Remembrance Day 2023We are looking for new, volunteer members for our Colour Party.

The Colour Party is the official flag group of the Maple Ridge Legion, carrying the flags with reverence and pride.

There are few civic events and parades in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows that are not proudly led by our outstanding Colour Party.

We are now seeking a few good members to be a part of this wonderful team,

No experience is necessary and the comradeship is very rewarding.

Contact the Branch Office for more details.


Open post
We are Hiring

We Are Hiring

We Are Hiring

We are HiringAbout Our Opportunity

Join us as our new, dynamic Branch Administrator, leading a passionate team to uphold the administrative and leadership heartbeat of our organization!

This is an exciting opportunity for a self-motivated individual with a strong background in the food and beverage, hotel, or service industry, ideally in an operations leadership position, to contribute to a purpose-led, member-driven not-for-profit organization.

Apply online at Indeed


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583 Coronation Squadron Air Cadets

583 Coronation Squadron Air Cadets

583 Coronation Squadron Air Cadets 70th Annual Ceremonial Review

On Saturday 25th May, members of Branch 88 had the pleasure of attending the 70th annual ceremonial review of the Air Cadet Squadron, and presenting the Cadet Medal of Excellence Certificate and medal to one of the cadets.

The parade was excellent, the Drill Team performed a display of various different marching styles and formations, the band played and managed to coordinate complicated manoeuvres at the same time. It was very impressive.

Traditional ceremonial uniform cougar skinThere were also several displays made by the Cadets, and on display was this cougar skin that is part of the traditional ceremonial uniform worn by the base drummer. This cougar was the last one legally shot in Maple Ridge. Unfortunately the skin is large, and the cadets are not so tall, it’s also very hot to wear so it isn’t usually worn now.

The Cadets, the Reviewing Party and all members of 583 Coronation Squadron Air Cadets did a fantastic job, it was an impressive display and an enjoyable afternoon.

583 Coronation Squadron Air Cadets 70th Annual Ceremonial Review

On Saturday 25th May, members of Branch 88 had the pleasure of attending the 70th annual ceremonial review of the Air Cadet Squadron, and presenting the Cadet Medal of Excellence Certificate and medal to one of the cadets.

The parade was excellent, the Drill Team performed a display of various different marching styles and formations, the band played and managed to coordinate complicated manoeuvres at the same time. It was very impressive.

There were also several displays made by the Cadets, and on display was this cougar skin that is part of the traditional ceremonial uniform worn by the base drummer. This cougar was the last one legally shot in Maple Ridge. Unfortunately the skin is large, and the cadets are not so tall, it’s also very hot to wear so it isn’t usually worn now.Traditional ceremonial uniform cougar skin

The Cadets, the Reviewing Party and all members of 583 Coronation Squadron Air Cadets did a fantastic job, it was an impressive display and an enjoyable afternoon.

583 Coronation Squadron Air Cadets 70th Annual Ceremonial Review

Open post
An image from Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows News of a young Bobby Seckler

Community donation

Community donation

An image from Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows News of a young Bobby Seckler
A cutout from a newspaper, date unknown, shows a 14-year-old Bobby Seckler when he was a member of the Maple Ridge Boxing Club, after winning the 106 pound division of the provincial Bronze Gloves championships in Cranbrook, B.C.. (Source: The News)

One of our veterans is behind a Branch donation, giving back to the Maple Ridge sports club where he found success as a teen.

Thanks to a request from Rob Seckler we donated $500 to the Maple Ridge Boxing Club.

Seckler, aka Punchy, was part of the boxing club as a teen. He fought out of the club for two and a half years from 1980 to 1983, and during that time he won the 106 pound division of the provincial Bronze Gloves championships in Cranbrook, B.C. when he was 14-years-old.

He would go on to win a handful of fights out of the Maple Ridge Club before moving onto to other clubs , winning the bronze, emerald, and silver gloves at different provincial championships between 1983-84.

Seckler thought he would turn pro, but when a friend was injured in the ring, he had second thoughts, envisioning a life of multiple concussions and various other injuries.

So, he joined the army instead in 1985 when he was 17-years-old.

Read the full story at Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows News

We are so very thankful to be a part of this feel-good, full-circle, member's story and happy to help out all the very worthy community organizations!

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Legion Exec - Judy

Meet the Executive – Judy Ballard

Meet the Executive - Judy Ballard

Legion Exec - JudyI have been a Member of Legion 88 since 2009. I went to the first meeting in January to pledge my allegiance to the Legion. I stayed for that first meeting and saw how the Legion was run.

In 2010 I decided to run for Executive, was elected and did the Youth Education portfolio for 6 years until I retired from work. I then took on the Poppy Campaign for 5 years. During that time I ran for table officer and continued helping in any way I could.

So why did I want to become a Legion Executive? Because of my Dad. He was not a Veteran in the eyes of the Legion. We came from Denmark where my Dad was in the Danish underground when the war broke out. Many times he was captured and released until the final time he was caught and sent to a work camp somewhere in Austria. We are not sure of exactly where he was but when he came home he had what was called "Shell Shock" which is now called PTSD. If it was not for Allied forces who liberated his camp, I would not be here doing all I can for Legion 88.

It is an Honour and a privilege to serve.

Who else is on our 2024 Executive? Find out here.

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