Maple Ridge Legion Updates
Supporting the Burns Way
The Burns Way is excited to launch a national campaign to recruit veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP to volunteer
Terri Retires
It was a great surprise to Terri and she loved every moment of it. Lots of happy tears.
It was a wonderful turn out of Members, the Sports Lounge was full!
NFL Football Pool
Are you ready for some football? It's that time of year again—time to join the Maple Ridge Legion 88 Football Pool! For just $150, you can be part of the action, the excitement, and the fun (not to mention the prizes)!
Meet a Veteran – Don Purdy
Don is a longtime member of the Royal Canadian Legion, first joining in 1973 while stationed in Winnipeg Manitoba. He was a member of the Army Reserves in 1970 while in High School in Hamilton Ontario then served from 1972 - 1993.
Margaret Kury Memorial Golf Tournament
The Margaret Kury Memorial Golf Tournament will be played on September 8th, teeing off at 11am
How Master Corporal Harding Earned a Military Medal of Valour in Afghanistan
After serving three tours in Bosnia, Master Corporal Christopher Harding began the first of two tours in Afghanistan
Veterans Dinner September 18th 2024
On 18th September Branch 88 will be hosting our annual dinner to honour Veterans.
Outstanding Support
Outstanding support of the Military Police National Motorcycle Relay and the Military Police Fund for Blind Children in 2024
354 RCSCC Invincible – 15th Annual Ceremonial Review
On Saturday June 4th members of the RCL Branch 88 had the pleasure of attending the 15th Ceremonial Review of the 354 RCSCC Invincible Sea Cadets
Canada Day 2024
We're thrilled to announce our Canada Day festivities, which will feature live music by Coyote Creek, a mouthwatering BBQ cooked by our amazing volunteers and executive members, and an exciting 50:50 draw!
Ladies Auxiliary Host the Kitchen
The Ladies Auxiliary is hosting the Kitchen on June 30th
Bring cash, be well fed and entertained.
Service Dogs for Veterans
Guide dogs have been helping humans for many years, but in recent years the use of dogs to help reduce symptoms of PTSD and other OSIs has been on the rise.
Search our site
General Meetings are usually on the 3rd Sunday of every month. There are no meetings held in July or August. We encourage all Legion members to attend General Meetings.
NOTE: The date of the next General Meeting is 23 March 2025
Lounge Calendar
Want to find out what's happening in February? Check out the February calendar.
Want to find out what's happening in March? Check out the March Calendar.
Posts by Month
Posts by Category
Legion Links
The Poppy Store
Remembrance, Gifts, Tributes, Clothing, and more. There are many ways to help support the Legion's mission.
Legion Magazine
Since 1926, Legion Magazine has been publishing articles on Canadian Military history and veteran affairs.